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Smart Savings on Symphony Coolers

Smart Saving, Smart Buying – Symphony Coolers

Having a calm, unwinding time with cool air soothing your body and mind is what each one of us long for during the soaring temperatures of summer. With that thought also comes the concern of the cost of buying an air cooler, and how much it would add to your power consumption and electricity bills. Rest assured, having a cool time does not have to come at a cost that’s not friendly. In this age of smart living, making a smarter choice matters. Hence, top cooler brands in India have some of the best energy-efficient air cooling solutions in their portfolio that meet your needs.

Amongst the best cooler companies in India today, Symphony is a popular and reliable brand with products that offer portability, affordability, durability, and superior performance. So if you are planning to buy air coolers, Symphony would be the smart choice. With a diverse portfolio of coolers ranging from personal coolers, tower coolers, desert coolers, tower fans, and even exciting limited edition coolers, you will be spoilt for choices.

The category of Symphony coolers that are highly opted for is the Symphony Tower coolers. These coolers are what smart living is all about. The brand’s top products in this category offer you convenience with Bluetooth pairing via the brand’s mobile app for Android smart phones, and the i-pure technology purifies the air so that you breathe clean air while enjoying the cooling. The high-efficiency pads deliver superior cooling, and the coolers go on for days with a full water tank. All while consuming less energy and not wearing heavy on you with alarming electricity bills. 

Another category of Symphony coolers that set high standards with impressive aesthetics and superior performances are the desert coolers. With larger water tank capacities, powerful fans that give out cool breezes, and cool flow dispensers that efficiently cool your space, Symphony desert coolers deliver heavy-duty cooling with lower power consumption. Available in a variety of sizes and water-tank capacities to choose from as per your needs, Symphony desert coolers will easily become your summertime go-to companion that never fails to soothe your senses.

For the ones who need that cooling in their personal spaces when the temperatures are high and irritatingly uncomfortable, then Symphony personal coolers are the ideal choice that easily becomes favourites. Durable, efficient, economic, and aesthetically admirable, Symphony personal coolers are must-haves if your personal space longs for much-needed cooling.

Another range of Symphony coolers that brings convenience, at your convenience, is the Tower fans. Portable and easy to carry, the tower fans offer effective cooling with efficient cooling pads. Best-in-class compact design clubbed with innovation and technical superiority, the tower fans are topping the charts when portability is the primary requirement.

So, when it comes to buying air coolers, go for the best coolers in India that are smart, technically advanced, and easy on your pockets - the range of Symphony air coolers that are created and developed keeping your needs in mind. After all, smart living is the way forward.

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